Zentralverband des
Deutschen Handwerks
Nahaufnahme eines Schweißers. Die Benutzung des Schweißgeräts wirft Funken.

The Skilled Crafts in Germany

German skilled crafts are internationally acclaimed, and are at home all over the world. With innovative spirit, skills, passion and reliable service, they delight customers in all corners of the planet.

European Policy Department

The European Union's competence covers a wide range of policy areas that are of relevance to the skilled crafts sector.

More information

The skilled crafts in Germany

Cover der Broschüre: The Skilled Crafts in Germany

German skilled crafts form the core and essential part of small and medium-sized businesses in Germany. As a large economic and social gruoup it exerts significant influence on public life. Read more


German Confederation of Skilled Crafts/
Zentralverband des Deutschen Handwerks (ZDH)

Mohrenstraße 20/21
10117 Berlin

T +49 30 20619-0
F +49 30 20619-460


German Confederation of Skilled Crafts Representation to the EU  

House of European Economy
Rue Jacques de Lalaing 4
B-1040 Brussels

P +32 2 23085-39
F +32 2 23021-66
